New Continental Hotel, Millbay Road, Plymouth, PL1 3LD

Tel: 01752 276798

It’s The Weather!

Don’t Blame It On The Weatherman!

The sun is shining, the sky is blue and there is a smile on everyone’s lips because we have another long weekend ahead of us!

BUT just how important is the sun when it comes to enjoying and exploring Britain’s Ocean City..?

There is no two ways about it. There is something magical that happens in Plymouth when the sun comes out. Alfresco Dining.  Socialising with a drink in hand as we catch up with friends. The sea a shining rug of elegance and beauty gently soothing the soul.

When the sun comes out in Plymouth, there is no place better to be.

We are at the point where Winter feels like it’s almost beat us! Our skin looks anaemic and our souls are tiered of the dark mornings and nights and the dreary wetness! Then, a hint of Spring hits the air. Flowers start to bloom in gardens and road sides and our skin feels the breeze for what feels like the first time in a decade!

We barely believe it. We delay the Winter/Summer wardrobe swap in fear it’s just a fluke! It becomes a conversation starter in queues, on buses at the hairdressers … or just about anywhere where anyone will listen!

“Lovely isn’t it”. “I can’t believe how nice it is”. “Do you think it will last”. “Be terrible again when the Kids go back!”…

Endless sound bites that have been generated, stored and whipped out at every opportunity!

What’s more. We desperately want to be outside ALL OF THE TIME! Our gardens look pristine but our kitchens become overgrown with dishes!

But boy does it feel good!

Just like saying ‘sorry’ when someone steps on your toe; we are programmed to blame, or to thank the weather for EVERYTHING!

The roads are busy today: It’s the weather. The restaurants busy today: It’s the weather. You look tired today. It’s the weather. I don’t feel great today. It’s probably the weather..!

As well as put blame on the weathers head, we also use it a gauge as to how good a holiday will be.


When you say where you are going on a vacation, peoples almost first response is usually:  “What will the weather be like?”

Now, you have one of three responses to that:

1) The weathers going to be really warm. The response) Oh, you’ll have a GREAT time.

2) Ahh, it’s ok, not great not awful.  The response) Never mind, it does you good just to get away sometimes.

3) Raining and cold. The response) Oh no that’s such a shame.

The one thing that we can not argue about is yes, when the sun is shining, Plymouth is truly beautiful…HOWEVER, when the sun isn’t shining  – Plymouth is truly beautiful too!

You see, the sun shining is a bonus yes, but it certainly isn’t the be all and end all of a good time in our city by the sea!

Here are some great treats; treats for the grey and cloudy, the damp and drab AND the sunny and bright  – because let’s face it, we could have all three of these weather types in any given week – so we better make the most of every second, every element and every memory whilst enjoying ALL that Plymouth has to offer!

When you have a good time in Plymouth, it won’t be the weather you thank; it will be the unique and the startling that has been embedded in our cobbles DNA! When you talk about your holiday to Plymouth – you will have a smile on your face no matter what the weather and  the sun will always be shining on the memories you make.